Monday, May 16, 2016

Introduction of religious democracy and its implementation in the Muslim world: a summary of the lecture of Professor Dr. Mansoor Mir Ahmadi and a prescription in the prospect of Bangladesh

I am thankful to my professor Dr. Mir Ahmadi for introducing religious democracy in the class and giving me the opportunity to prepare my coursework on this issue. This is a complete new idea for me and therefore I am glad that he explained the subject matter in details. Religious Democracy can be a high potential source for the Islamic political parties and governments in the Muslim world.  I am summarizing Professor Dr. Mir Ahmadi’s(one of the pioneer academic of our time, on this issue) lecture to introduce this critical system because this is a newer idea in the field of political science and only a few works have been done on this issue. As we know, there have been so many write up by popular Islamic political scholars about Islamic governing and political systems but all of them failed except Velayate Faqih in Iran. (Iran successfully projected the idea of Velayate Faqih under the great leadership of late Imam Khomeini (rh) and his successor Imam Khameini (mza).) We can see scholars trying to build Islamic political system in Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh etc. but all their efforts failed as these are more authoritarian ideas than democratic. As we can see in history, Hasanul Banna, Sayed kutub, Abul ala Moududi and some other scholars like them gave ideas on Islamic political and governing systems but they failed.
Therefore, this idea of Religious Democracy could be a potential source of implementing Religious democratic government in every Muslim Populated country as this idea has clear guidance of religion and at the same time; it assures people’s choice and freedom.


Introductory Note:
I am trying to prepare a summary of the lecture of Professor Dr. Mir Ahmadi on Religious democracy (which I attended in Shahid Beheshti University). I will explain what religious democracy is in the summary. Later on, I will explain the potentiality of implementing this idea in Muslim countries with a special focus on the context of Bangladesh. 

Defining complex words like religion or democracy is a critical task as scholars see these in different ways and manners. Thus, it is a complex matter to define these terms in one sentence.  We will mention some definition of common understanding to avoid the critical explanation as our main goal of this article is to explain the unique term; religious democracy .
Religion: The term Religion originates from the Latin word “Religio” which in modern concept means an abstraction, which entails distinct sets of beliefs or doctrines. Religion could be explained as a cultural system of behaviors, practices, worldviews, ethics and social organization that relate humanity to an order of existence.[1]
Democracy:  The term Democracy originates from the Greek word “Demokratia” meaning “the rule of the people”.  “ A system of government in which all the people of a state or polity…are involved in making decisions about its affairs, typically by voting to elect representatives to a parliament or similar assembly” defined by Oxford English dictionary[2]. Most popularly, Abraham Lincoln defines Democracy as “A government by the people, for the people, to the people”. Democracy has many forms but Liberal democracy is considered to be the most powerful form as the western nations applied it to their government policies and propagated it throughout the world.
Liberal democracy: Liberal democracy is a political ideology and a form of government in which representative democracy operates under the principles of liberalism. It is characterized by fair, free and competitive elections between multiple distinct political parties, a separation of power into different branches of government, the rule of law in everyday
Religious Democracy: The Theory of Religious Democracy was introduced in 1990’s in Iran due to the necessity of fostering political development in the country and revising the model of democratic government as opposed to foreign models to particularly that of liberal democracy.
In 1990’s the theory was introduced by the executive branch of the government of Iran during the presidency of Mr. Khatami. The supreme leader of Iran Ayatullah Khameini elaborated the idea and explained why he believes in religious democracy. According to him, religious democracy can be a model of government that can be opposed to liberal democracy. After 1970s, the idea of Liberal democracy gained popularity due to western patronage especially after the adaptation of Liberal democracy by the European countries and they introduced it as the best democracy in the world.
After the theory of Fukuyama’s “End of History” and Huntington’s “Clashes of civilization” where they explained liberal democracy and tried to explain the best democracy in the world is liberal democracy it gained popularity everywhere.
The leader of Iran Ayatullah khameini explained Religious democracy as an alternative of the Liberal democracy for the Muslim countries which means if  Muslim countries wants to have a kind of democracy which is suitable to the situation of their countries,  they can select this kind of democracy which is religious one. Religious democracy is the religious form of democracy that means no matter what religion or sect they belong to they can adopt this idea. As this idea is particularly prescribed for Muslim nations, it can be applied in both Shia and Sunni countries.
The theory of Religious Democracy:
The theory is not of a compound nature and refers instead to a single, simple fact according to which Islam recognizes a certain model of democratic government.
In fact, we have two opinions here.
1. Religious democracy is a compound theory. It means Democracy with Islam.
2. Religious democracy is a single theory. It means a kind of democracy recognized by religion.
 According to religious democracy theory, these two terms are not combined together. As we know, liberal democracy means democracy according to liberalism likewise religious democracy is also democracy according to religion.
 In Islamic texts, we can see that there is a form of democracy recognized by Islam. In conclusion, we can say that, this kind of democracy that is recognized by Islam is called Religious Democracy[3].

 The distinction between the terms is about whether Democracy is according to Islam or Islam recognizes a kind of Democracy. Here we say that Religious democracy according to Islam is that, the kind of democracy that is recognized by Islam, and it is opponent to liberal or social democracy. 
Ayatullah Khameini explains that, apart from having a right to establish a political system, people can participate in significant decision-makings. Hence, they are fully recognized in making systems and decisions.

The difference between Islamic republic and Religious democracy.
Republic means majority of the people have right to establish a government. Democracy means people have the right to establish a government and make laws at the same time. It means Democracy has both the power of forming a government and making decision. In religious democracy as well, besides establishing the political system, people can participate in significant decision-making. Therefore, we can conclude that the people of Islamic republic of Iran, after including the Religious democracy have both the power to form the political system and making decision for their country.

 Structure of this theory:
Religious Democracy has two main structures.
1.      People (People directly elects their own representative)
(a)    President
(b)   Islamic Parliament
·         They are the experts of the society and elected by the choice of people.
2.      Religion[4]( religious authorities who are representative of Islam )
(a)    Supreme spiritual leader(Waliye Faqih)
(b)   Council of Islamic jurists
·         They are the experts of Islam. Even if the people at any level elect them, they must qualify according to the Islamic conditions and must have strong understanding of religion to lead the nation. In practice, Iran does not have council of jurists and People in Iran elect the council of guardian. The council selects the supreme leader who must have all the qualification required by Islam. However, according to the theory of religious democracy the council of jurists should do it.
(Although present day Iran has, the Islamic Republic form in practice but it is proposed and suggested by the supreme leader that Religious democracy to be adopted for better governance. Theoretically, there should be two parliaments but we see only one parliament. )
The people are recognized once they establish the main institutions like that of the leader, president and Islamic consultative assembly through their vote. It means the role of the people here is as follow:
1.      Electing the leader
2.      Electing the President
3.      Electing the Islamic consultative assembly.
Here, electing the Leader is done indirectly and electing the president and the Islamic consultative assembly directly. 
Religion would be fully manifested when religious institutions play a key role in the process of legislation and implementation of the law as well as supervision over the operation of the government and the rulers. It means religion should have its role in as follow:
1.      Legislation
2.      Implementation
3.      Supervision
In the process of legislation, the council of Islamic Jurists has the right to make laws and participate in the process of legislation. Waliye Faqih has the right to implement the law and supervision over the operations of the government (to check whether this government is according to the Sharia or not). Therefore, we can conclude that these three are the main component of this theory of Religious democracy.  
Velayate faqih vs Religious democracy
Although Velayate Faqih concept is a concept of Islamic political ruling system but it has attributed to the Shia sect in particular. Therefore, in the Sunni world Velayate Faqih concept has not gained any acceptance but the need and necessity for a similar Islamic political system of governance has been craving from the beginning of postmodern era. Even that Velayate Faqih has successfully projected its potentiality in governing Iran and considered by the Islamic political experts as the best Islamic political system for governance, the Sunni scholars have rejected it for its Shia terms and ideology.
Religious democracy is not a Shia invention and therefore it can be implemented in Sunni countries as a substitute for Liberal democracy. Religious democracy is not opponent to Velayate Faqih but it has more acceptances in the social context of the other Muslim nations. Velayate Faqih cannot be a model for all of the muslim countries but this Religious democracy can. Although Religious democracy is still a theory but it is suitable and feasible for all the Muslim countries as it can easily replace Liberal democracy.

Prospect of Religious democracy in Muslim world. Special focus of Bangladesh
Muslim world is a specific term that has various meaning in terms of the defining scholars views but in modern geo-political sense it means the Muslim majority countries or places no matter if the country is constitutionally based on Islamic laws or not.
Religious democracy has every aspect of prosperity in the Muslim world. We can see, so many Muslim nations struggling to implement Islamic rules and regulations throughout the world. From North Africa to South Asia, Balkan Europe to Fareast Asia , wherever the Muslim population is dominating they have an urge to implement some Islamic laws. Sometimes it is in the form of inviting towards Golbal Khilafah or a constitutional development based on Islamic jurisprudence. There are some other forms as well, some of them are very active and some did not get the popularity but still the urge for a religious type of governing system is embalming throughout the Muslim nations.
Bangladesh has rich influence and history of religion. Majority of the population always considers religion as the strongest part of identity. Although it has shown secularist or liberalist approach for last couple of decades but it is to be noted that United Nations considers Bangladesh as a moderate Muslim democratic country.

History of religious politics in bangladesh
Bangladesh consists of one of the largest Muslim population of the earth. It has shown its Islamic political motives from the beginning of the independent Nawabs in Moghul era. Its first independent Islamic identity was recognized in 1905. Since then Bangladesh struggled to implement a Religious political system.
The influence of Islamic discipline over Bangladeshi society is undeniable. Therefore, our expectation is that, if this theory can be introduced to the people with clear scholarly understanding and motivated leadership it can easily replace the secular democracy.
In 1905, the partition of Bengal was performed due to the Muslim uprising and their demand for a separate land of the Bengali Muslims. Bengali Muslims always wanted to be ruled by their own Islamic laws. However, due to the selfish industrialist and opportunist Muslim league and congress leadership, this century old demand for a Muslim Bengal was hijacked and it created a moth eaten and truncated Pakistan[5] that was in every sense unscientific[6].
Bengali people and their demand were always misunderstood because of the low voice. Therefore even after becoming a part of Pakistan Bengali Muslim people were treated as not good enough to be a Muslim. The BETTER MUSLIM idea propounded by the nationalist Pakistani media created a social hype that emotionally changed the peoples choice to socialist ideology. Media biased by middle eastern ideologies blames Bengali people for not being proper Muslim just because they did not remain as a part of Pakistan. That is the reason Bangladesh still now struggles to get out of the confusion whether socialism and liberalism is an answer for their century old demand or it is a fertile ground for a religious democracy and the people should strive for it.

How to implement Religious Democracy in Bangladesh:
The simple idea of implementing any new thought is to publicize it. Since Religious democracy is a new thought it needs scholarly approach to make it popular. Same like any other ideas that succeeded before, Religious democracy needs to be propagated and let people (who are striving for a political Islamic government) know.   
There are some Islamic political parties active in Bangladesh. Jamaate islami Bangladesh, a sister concern of Jamaate Islami Pakistan, which was set up by the same model of Ikhwanul muslimeen   of Egypt is the largest Islamic political party. Islamic Shashantantra Andolan, khelafat mazlish are also popular Islamic movement. Along with these, some other parties like Tariqat sufi federation, Zaker party etc. are also active.
Some underground parties (banned by the government for their terrorist movements), like Hijbut tahrir, Harkatul jihad etc. are also present in Bangladesh. DAESH is also active under various umbrellas and banners.[7] 

The prospect of religious democracy in Bangladesh is very high. There are Islamic scholars and Islam loving people who are in fact trying to find an alternative to the current capitalist secular democratic form of the government. Our discussion was about the Introduction of religious democracy and its implementation in the Muslim world with a special prescription in the prospect of Bangladesh. Here we have discussed everything about Religious democracy but it is completely a hypothetical expectation that people of Bangladesh would accept this idea. However, our expectation is not highly ambitious as the current political situation and previous history of its Islamic inclination shows the prospect very positive. Therefore if the idea is constructed according to the people’s choice and mentality and by understanding the political and social factors, it would be a matter of hope that this idea may show a winning result.

[1] wikipedia
2Oxford English Dictionary
3 For further studies on this issue, Professor Dr. Mir Ahmadi refers it to study the book “Nazariye Mardom Salariye Deeni” written in persian.
4 By religion, we mean Islam in this article.
5 Mohammad Ali Jinnah exclaimed this famous quote after realizing the treacherous
6 The separation from Pakistan and emergence of an independent Bangladesh is the outcome of this unscientific partition of 1947.
7 My explanation

[1] wikipedia
[2] Oxford English Dictionary
[3] For further studies on this issue, Professor Dr. Mir Ahmadi refers it to study the book “Nazariye Mardom Salariye Deeni” written in persian.
[4] By religion, we mean Islam in this article.
[5] Mohammad Ali Jinnah exclaimed this famous quote after realizing the treacherous
[6] The separation from Pakistan and emergence of an independent Bangladesh is the outcome of this unscientific partition of 1947.
[7] I have mentioned about these political parties to let my professor know about the Islamic movements and activities people in Bangladesh are engaged with. It shows that people are looking for an alternative to the current government system, therefore, this Religious democracy could be a prospective form for the people and it will gather larger crowd than the present ones. Due to sunni majority and the influence of Saudi Wahabi doctrine religious people have allergic reaction to the democratic system. People in Bangladesh are mainly two types.
1.       Secular
2.       Religious
These two types also have different subtypes.
1.       Politically Secular people with religious practice and belief.  (Atheism is not a familiar thought in Bangladesh. )
2.       Practicing Muslims with misunderstood idea about democracy.
3.       Practicing Muslim with inclination towards democracy.
It means, although the country is democratic and secular it is still a Muslim country and the majority of the people can be convinced by its religious manner and democratic style.
Religious democracy has good news for all the types of people. In fact, it is a combination of religion and democracy and it replaces liberalism that eliminates religion. If social and political experts on this Religious democracy theory submits this thought to the people who are religious and are used to with democracy, it can become the most popular idea very soon.

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